Friday, January 25, 2013

Grated salad

Welcome to Friday (you made it!) Friday's mean a Kitchen post featuring cooking, baking or anything that takes place in the kitchen. Lovely.

Today is all about one of my favorite things and something I make all the time. The Grated Salad. First a little background.

    I'm a celiac vegetarian who also tries to stay away from milk products since they make me phlegmy. I get a lot of 'well then what do you eat?!?!' and people telling me it's all in my mind. (Oh ya, of course it is.) Truth is I eat amazingly, I just have to be super aware of what I'm eating and how I'm getting nutrients and protein. (Truth is I mostly stress about getting enough protein all the time so I'm hyper ware of it) I eat lots of legumes, hemp, eggs, seeds/nuts, quinoa - trust me, I'm making sure I'm all good.  I also eat a ton of vegetables (maybe that should be a 'tonne' of vegetables). Here's one way I like to eat them.

The Grated Salad

You Need:
  • grater and knife
  • bowl (make it pretty!)
  • vegetables to grate (I love zucchini, carrots and beets but you can use anything - I put a big winter radish in the other week and it was delicious!)
  • fruit to grate (sometimes I add apple or squeeze in some lemon/lime)
  • add ins (dried fruit or nuts)

Wash and grate your fruit and vegetables. Put them into your gorgeous bowl and mix with a fork. Add some lemon or lime juice to preserve (be crazy and add some canned pineapple with a bit of their juice!) Add your extra dried fruits and nuts. Then eat and enjoy!

(I make a huge bowl of it once a week and eat it all week. I just keep it covered in my fridge and it lasts wonderfully. Fluff it with a fork before serving each day)

Look at the colors! I had a co-worker who loved this idea and gave it to her daughter who ate it because of how it was so "bright and pretty"(the daugher's words). It's fast too after a long day at work to whip it up. I love that it's also versatile, great way to use up vegetables from your fridge. Plus - super yummy!

Let me know how yours turns out!

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